Gavin Graveson of Veolia awarded Fellowship of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM)
The award, presented by CIWM’s Chief Executive Officer, Sarah Poulter, highlights the distinguished professional attainment, in the sphere of resource and waste management, made by Gavin over his distinguished career.
CIWM represents and supports over 5,500 individuals and 250 Affiliated Organisations across the UK and overseas and is the leading professional membership organisation for individuals in the resources and waste management sector. Alongside other CIWM Fellows, Chartered Resource and Waste Managers and members, Gavin’s extensive knowledge and expertise will assist CIWM in achieving its core purpose, to move the world beyond waste.
Commenting on the award Sarah Poulter, Chief Executive Officer, CIWM said:
“CIWM Fellowship is granted to leading resource and waste management professionals in acknowledgement of their distinguished achievements and outstanding contribution to the sector. We are delighted to award this prestigious accolade to Gavin in recognition of his exceptional leadership in supporting CIWM and those working in the sector. We are incredibly grateful for his ongoing contribution to the profession and our organisation as we continue our journey to a world beyond waste.”
Gavin Graveson, Veolia Senior Executive Vice President Northern Europe Zone added:
“I am honoured to be made a Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management at a time when our industry can deliver so much to protect the future of the environment, and I look forward to contributing to the major role that CIWM can play. We know that relying on virgin materials and fossil fuels is not the answer, and through innovation our industry is a key stakeholder in advancing a circular economy that will cut carbon emissions. As we face climate disruption that made 2022 one of the hottest years on record, growing public and government concern, and depletion of the world’s resources, the time to act is now. We need to invest in the ecological transformation that will deliver sustainable solutions because we can’t afford, both financially and environmentally, to do nothing.”
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